People Data Import

With bulk data import, Administrators can import people records or update existing records into Casebook using the import spreadsheet in cb Admin.  

Please read this article before importing data. 

Selecting the right tool for importing data into Casebook is crucial for a smooth experience.

Here's a quick guide to help you decide:

When to Use Spreadsheets: We recommend using spreadsheets for small, clean datasets—think 200 people. It's perfect for straightforward imports and keeps things simple.

When to Opt for API Import: For larger or more complex datasets, we suggest using the API import approach. This method is better suited for handling more extensive and intricate data sets; please discuss this with your CSM for more details. 

Choosing the Best Fit: Consider the size and complexity of your data when deciding between spreadsheets and API. Spreadsheets offer simplicity for smaller sets, while API import ensures efficiency for larger and intricate datasets.


Note: If you are using Bulk Import to update Person Records, you will need to match the Person ID and Person Name in Casebook to the Import Sheet. To do this, pull a report in cb Reporting that contains the person_id and person_name fields and use these values when filling out the import sheet. 

**The maximum limit for each import is 1,000 records. If your import will exceed this limit, please break the import up to support the 1,000 record limit.

Explanation of Each Tab in Order


  • Column A: Unique ID
    • If you are only adding data to the People sheet (first sheet) (and not to any of the other sheets), leave this column blank. The UUID will automatically be created after the data is imported. 
    • If you are adding data to other sheets (i.e. people tribes or citizenships), then you'll need to create a UUID. 
    • Note: If you are updating a person record, you will need to fill in the existing UUID from Casebook. To find this ID: 
      • Navigate to the person's profile/record in Casebook.
      • From the URL, copy the entire text after "people/" 
        • Example:
          • 38642947-342g-413a-83db-49bb671270ed
  • Column B - Required: First Name
    • The person's first name.
  • Column C - Required: Last Name
    • The person's last name.
  • Column D: Middle Name
    • The person's middle name. 
  • Column E: Suffix
    • Select the person's suffix from the dropdown menu, if applicable. 
  • Column F: Social Security Number
    • You can either write in the last 4 digits of the person's SSN or you can write in the full 9 digits with dashes (XXX-XX-XXXX).
    • Last 4 Only Format: 1111
    • Complete SSN Format: 123-45-6789
  • Column G: Date of Birth
    • The person's birth date. 
    • Format: MM/DD/YYYY
    • Example: 10/15/1998
  • Column H: Place of Birth
    • The person's place of birth.
  • Column I: Medicaid Rid Number
    • The person's Medicaid number.
  • Column J: Medicaid Effective Date
    • The effective date of the person's Medicaid coverage.
    • Format: MM/DD/YYYY
    • Example: 03/27/2021
  • Column K: Citizenship Verified
    • Select from the dropdown menu whether or not a person's citizenship has been verified. 
  • Column L: Citizenship Verification Source
    • Select from the dropdown menu the type of citizenship verification source. 
    • For example, if a person's citizenship verification source is their US passport, you would choose US passport. 
  • Column M: Citizenship Status
    • Select the person's citizenship status from the dropdown menu. 
  • Column N: Highest Education Grade
    • Select from the dropdown menu the person's highest education grade. 
    • For example, if the person's highest grade completed is a 2-year associate's degree, you would select Associates Degree from the dropdown menu.  
  • Column O: Primary Language
    • Select the person's primary language from the dropdown menu. 
  • Column P: Sex 
    • Select the person's sex from the dropdown menu.
  • Column Q: Hispanic or Latino
    • Select an answer from the dropdown menu. 
  • Column R: Marital Status
    • Select an answer from the dropdown menu. 
  • Column S: Poverty Level 
    • Select an answer from the dropdown menu. 
  • Column T: Veteran Status
    • Select an answer from the dropdown menu. 
  •  Required: Import Operation
    • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
    • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
    • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 
  • There might be additional columns in your spreadsheet - these are your Dynamic Fields. 

People_Tribes - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

  • Column A: Unique ID
    • Leave this blank.
  • Column B: Person ID
    • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab. 
  • Column C: Tribe
    • Select the person's tribe from the dropdown menu. 
  • Column E: Verified
    • Select whether or not their tribal status is verified from the dropdown menu.  
  • Column F: Tribal Verification Source
    • If the person's tribal status has been verified, you would select the person's tribal verification source from the dropdown menu in this column. 
  • Column H: Verification Date
    • Write in the date of verification for the person's tribal status here. 
    • Format: MM/DD/YYYY
  • Column I - Required: Import Operation
    • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
    • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
    • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

Citizenships - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

  • Column A: Unique ID
    • Leave this blank.
  • Column B: Person ID
    • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
  • Column C: Country
    • Select the person's country of citizenship from the dropdown menu. 
  • Column E: Verified
    • Select whether or not their immigration status is verified from the dropdown menu.  
  • Column F: Citizenship Verification Source
    • Select the person's citizenship verification source from the dropdown menu in this column. 
  • Column H - Required: Import Operation
    • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
    • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
    • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

People_Medical_Conditions - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

  • Column A: Unique ID
    • Leave this blank.
  • Column B: Person ID
    • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
  • Column C: Medical Condition
    • Select the person's medical condition from the dropdown menu. 
  • Column E: Started On
    • Write the date the person's medical condition started on. 
    • Format: MM/DD/YYYY
  • Column F: Ended On
    • Write the date the person's medical condition ended, if applicable. 
    • Format: MM/DD/YYYY
  • Column G: Note
    • If you need to write a note about the person's medical condition, you can do so here. 
    • Column H - Required: Import Operation
      • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
      • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
      • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

    Prescriptions - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

    • Column A: Unique ID
      • Leave this blank.
    • Column B: Person ID
      • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
    • Column C: Name
      • The name of the prescription. 
    • Column D: Dosage
      • The dosage of the prescription. 
    • Column E: Medical Condition
      • Select the name of the person's medical condition from the dropdown menu. 
    • Column G - Required: Import Operation
      • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
      • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
      • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

    Healthcare_Providers - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

    • Column A: Unique ID
      • Leave this blank. 
    • Column B: Person ID
      • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
    • Column C: Name
      • Write the name of the person's healthcare provider. 
    • Column D: Phone Number
      • Write the phone number of the healthcare provider. 
      • Format: (XXX) XXX-XXXX
      • Example: (555) 888-8888
    • Column E: Healthcare Provider Type
      • Select the type of healthcare provider from the dropdown menu. 
    • Column G - Required: Import Operation
      • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
      • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
      • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

    Allergies - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

    • Column A: Unique ID
      • Leave this blank. 
    • Column B: Person ID
      • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
    • Column C: Substance
      • Write in the name of the substance that the person is allergic to. 
    • Column D: Started On
      • Write in the date that the allergy started on. 
      • Format: MM/DD/YYYY
    • Column E: Ended On
      • Write in the date that the allergy ended, if applicable. 
      • Format: MM/DD/YYYY
    • Column F - Required: Import Operation
      • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
      • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
      • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

    Education - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

    • Column A: Unique ID
      • Leave this blank. 
    • Column B: Person ID
      • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
    • Column C: Started On
      • Write in the date that the person started at the school. 
      • Format: MM/DD/YYYY
    • Column D: Ended On
      • Write in the date that the person ended at the school, if applicable. 
      • Format: MM/DD/YYYY 
    • Column E: School Name
      • Write in the name of the school. 
    • Column F: School Phone
      • Write in the school's phone number. 
      • Format: (XXX) XXX-XXXX
      • Example: (555) 888-8888
    • Column G: School District
      • Choose the school district from the dropdown menu. 
    • Column I - Required: Import Operation
      • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
      • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
      • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

    Income - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

    • Column A: Unique ID
      • Leave this blank.  
    • Column B: Person ID
      • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
    • Column C: Amount
      • Write in the person's income here. Please, use numbers only. 
      • Format: 150.88 or 150
      • Note: If you add a dollar sign before the amount, only the amount will be displayed on the person record. 
    • Column D: Started On
      • Write in the date that the income started. 
      • Format: MM/DD/YYYY 
    • Column E: Ended On
      • Write in the date that the income ended, if applicable. 
      • Format: MM/DD/YYYY 
    • Column F: Income Type
      • Select the type of income from the dropdown menu. 
      • For example, if the person is receiving this income through unemployment, then you'd select Unemployment. 
    • Column H: Income Frequency
      • Select the frequency that the person receives this income from the dropdown menu. 
    • Column J: Income Verification Source
      • Select the source of income verification from the dropdown menu. 
      • For example, if the person verified their income with pay stubs, you would select pay stub. 
    • Column L - Required: Import Operation
      • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
      • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
      • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

    Email - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

    • Column A: Unique ID
      • Leave this blank. 
    • Column B: Person ID
      • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
    • Column C - Required: Email
      • Write in the person's email address. 
    • Column D: Email Type
      • Choose the email type from the dropdown menu. 
      • Column F - Required: Import Operation
        • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
        • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
        • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

      Phone - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

      • Column A: Unique ID
        • Leave this blank. 
      • Column B: Person ID
        • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
      • Column C - Required: Number
        • Write in the person's phone number here. 
        • Format: (XXX) XXX-XXXX
        • Example: (555) 888-8888
      • Column D: Phone Type
        • Select the phone type from the dropdown menu. 
      • Column F: Contact Time
        • Select the person's preferred contact time from the dropdown menu. 
        • Column H - Required: Import Operation
          • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
          • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
          • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

        Location - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

        • Column A: Unique ID
          • Leave this blank.
        • Column B: Address 1
          • The first line in the person's address. 
        • Column C: Address 2
          • The second line in the person's address, if applicable. 
        • Column D: City
          • The name of the person's city for their address. 
        • Column E: State
          • The name or abbreviation of the person's state for their address. 
        • Column F: Zip Code
          • The zip code of the person's address. 
        • Column G: County
          • Select the county for the person's address from the dropdown menu. 
        • Column I: Notes
          • A description of the person's physical address. 
        • Column J: People Location Type
          • Select the location type for the person's address from the dropdown menu. 
        • Column L - Required: Import Operation
          • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
          • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
          • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

        Note: You will need to fill out the People_Locations sheet, as well. 

        People_Location - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

        You'll need to fill out this sheet, if you've filled out the Locations sheet above. 

        • Column A: Unique ID
          • Leave this blank. 
        • Column B: Person ID
          • Copy and paste the person ID from column A of the People tab here. 
        • Column C: Location ID
          • Copy and paste the location ID from column A of the Locations tab here. 
        • Column D - Required: Import Operation
          • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
          • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
          • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

        People_Ethnicities - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

        • Column A: Unique ID
          • Leave this blank. 
        • Column B: Person ID
          • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
        • Column C: Ethnicity
          • Select the person's ethnicity from the dropdown menu. 
        • Column E - Required: Import Operation
          • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
          • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
          • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

        People_Races - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

        • Column A: Unique ID
          • Leave this blank. 
        • Column B: Person ID
          • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
        • Column C: Race
          • Select the person's race from the dropdown menu. 
        • Column E - Required: Import Operation
          • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
          • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
          • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

        Aliases - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

        • Column A: Unique ID
          • Leave this blank.
        • Column B: Person ID
          • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
        • Column C: First Name
          • The person's first name of their alias.
        • Column D: Middle Name
          • The person's middle name of their alias.
        • Column E: Last Name
          • The person's last name of their alias.  
        • Column F: Suffix
          • Select the suffix for the person's alias from the dropdown menu, if applicable. 
        • Column H: Alias Type
          • Select the alias type from the dropdown menu.  
        • Column J - Required: Import Operation
          • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
          • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
          • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

        Employment - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

        • Column A: Unique ID
          • Leave this blank. It will automatically be created after you've completed the import. 
        • Column B: Person ID
          • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
        • Column C: Position
          • Write in the name of the person's occupation/role. 
        • Column D: Employer Name
          • Write in the name of the person's employer. 
        • Column E: Started On
          • Write in the date that the date that the person started at this occupation. 
          • Format: MM/DD/YYYY 
        • Column F: Ended On
          • Write in the date that the person ended at this occupation, if applicable. 
          • Format: MM/DD/YYYY 
          • Column G - Required: Import Operation
            • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
            • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
            • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation. 

          People_Languages - This only needs to be filled in if you are uploading this information.

          • Column A: Unique ID
            • Leave this blank. 
          • Column B: Person ID
            • Copy and paste the person's ID from column A of the People tab here. 
          • Column C: Language
            • Select the person's language from the dropdown menu. 
          • Column E - Required: Import Operation
            • Select an action from the dropdown menu.
            • If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update. 
            • Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation.